Kanamoto is a company with a Board of Corporate Auditors made up of five corporate auditors, two of whom
standing corporate auditors and three of whom are independent outside corporate auditors.
Standing Corporate Auditor Naoyuki Yokota and Outside Corporate Auditor Iwao Takeuchi have a long track
record in banking. Outside Corporate Auditor Yasushi Ishiwaka has been involved in corporate accounting as
certified public accountant for many years and has extensive knowledge in both finance and accounting.
The primary supervisory functions of the Board of Corporate Auditors are to draft auditing policy and
prepare audit reports, evaluate the adequateness of accounting auditors and accounting audits, give
consent to
remuneration proposals, and assess the progress and operation of internal control systems, proposals for
General Meeting of Shareholders, and the adequateness of interim and year-end dividends.
Standing corporate auditors audit all business operations according to auditing policies and plans drafted
the Board of Corporate auditors through means such as attending Board of Directors and other important
meetings, discussing the progress of business execution with directors and other corporate officers,
important approval documents, and conducting on-site audits at branch offices and subsidiary companies.
Standing corporate auditors work closely with accounting auditors from briefings on accounting plans at
beginning of the fiscal year to discussions and oversight of audits as necessary during and briefings of
results at the end of the fiscal year.
Outside corporate auditors attend Board of Corporate Auditor meetings, Board of Director meetings,
report briefings from affiliate companies, and other meetings for discussions between the president and
corporate officers as well as gather information by inspecting important bases and talking with employees.
Internal auditing departments and accounting auditors work to strengthen cooperation and form opinions on
auditing matters by providing and receiving reports and exchanging information.
The Internal Control and Auditing Office, corporate auditors, and accounting auditors cooperate and exchange information to conduct internal audits of overall business operations according to annual auditing plans. The six-person Internal Control and Auditing Office conducts on-site internal audits of every branch once every three years to provide specific directions, corrective actions and guidance aiming to improve business operations. This fiscal year Kanamoto conducted on-site internal audits at 71 branches. Upon completion of each audit, the Internal Control and Auditing Office promptly submitted an audit report to not only the Kanamoto president, chairman of the board, and other members of management but also corporate auditors and relevant departments.
Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC
Since 1988
The continuous auditing period above is the term within the verifiable scope of Kanamoto. The actual
continuous auditing period may exceed the above term.
The staff assisting with Kanamoto accounting audits includes 7 certified public accountants and 17 other individuals.
Kanamoto selected Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC in accordance with the Criteria for Selection of Accounting
Auditor Candidates drafted by the Board of Corporate Auditors after careful consideration of factors that
included auditing firm overviews, matters of independence, internal control systems, and auditing
The Board of Corporate Auditors has the right to dismiss accounting auditors with unanimous consent of all
members if any reason under Article 340, Paragraph (1) in the Companies Act applies to the accounting
and the Board of Corporate Auditors determines remediation impossible.
The Board of Corporate Auditors may also dismiss or disqualify the accounting auditor if deemed necessary,
such as when a proper audit cannot be carried out due to any reason arising that impairs the eligibility
independence of the accounting auditor.
Corporate Auditors and the Board of Corporate Auditors evaluate the eligibility of the accounting
quality management system preparations, auditing plans, the auditing team organization, auditing results,
the quality of communication with corporate auditors in addition to other aspects of the auditing firm
communications with accounting auditors, visits to auditing sites, and other means in accordance with the
Criteria for Evaluating the Independent of Auditors drafted by the Board of Corporate Auditors.
According to the results of these evaluations, the Board of Corporate Auditors has found no issue with the
performance of the accounting auditors for the consolidated fiscal term under review.
Category | Previous Consolidated Fiscal Year | Consolidated Fiscal Year Under Review | ||
Audit Certification Service Fees (Millions of Yen) | Non-audit Service Fees (Millions of Yen) | Audit Certification Service Fees (Millions of Yen) | Non-audit Service Fees (Millions of Yen) | |
Reporting Company | 50 | 15 | 54 | - |
Consolidated Subsidiaries | 19 | - | 21 | - |
Total | 69 | 15 | 75 | - |
(Previous Consolidated Fiscal Year)
There are no non-audit services for Kanamoto or its subsidiaries for the consolidated fiscal year under
(Consolidated Fiscal Year Under Review)
Non-audit service fees paid by Kanamoto are for advisory services related to the adoption of revenue
recognition standards. However, there are no non-audit services for its subsidiaries for the consolidated
fiscal year under review.
Category | Previous Consolidated Fiscal Year | Consolidated Fiscal Year Under Review | ||
Audit Certification Service Fees (Millions of Yen) | Non-audit Service Fees (Millions of Yen) | Audit Certification Service Fees (Millions of Yen) | Non-audit Service Fees (Millions of Yen) | |
Reporting Company | - | 12 | - | 10 |
Consolidated Subsidiaries | - | - | - | - |
Total | - | 12 | - | 10 |
(Previous Consolidated Fiscal Year)
Non-audit service fees paid by Kanamoto for financial due diligence, tax consultation, and other
(Consolidated Fiscal Year Under Review)
Non-audit service fees paid by Kanamoto are for tax consultation and other services.
There are no other essential audit certification service fees.
Kanamoto determines auditing fees with the consent of the Board of Corporate Auditors by taking into account the business scale and characteristics as well as the time required for the audit.
The Board of Corporate Auditors consented to service fees for accounting auditors with reference to past performance and service fees after an overall evaluation of auditing plans and performance of the accounting auditors.