Participated in Radio NIKKEI Japan Tour IR in Yokohama
Held company briefings for individual investors
(Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. Kumamoto Branch)
Kanamoto (China) Investment Co., Ltd. (now a non-consolidated subsidiary), established in Shanghai, China, began operations
Released Financial Statements Bulletin for the 53rd Business Period (Fiscal Year ended October 31, 2017) and held briefings and 1-on-1 meetings for institutional investors
Participated in Radio NIKKEI Japan Tour IR in Nagoya
Established East Japan Works Keihin Premises Equipment Center (Kawasaki-ku, Kawasaki City)
Exhibited at Nomura IR Asset Management Fair 2017 (Grand Cube Osaka)
Released Announcement Concerning Dividends from Surplus
Held 53rd Regular General Meeting of the Shareholders
Participated in Radio NIKKEI Japan Tour IR in Kumamoto
NISHIKEN CO., LTD. acquired stock of Carewell Anshin Co., Ltd.
Established Musashimurayama Branch (Musashimurayama City, Tokyo)
Participated in Radio NIKKEI Japan Tour IR in Takamatsu
Released First Quarter Consolidated Financial Report for the 54th Business Period (Fiscal Year Ending October 2018)
Exhibited at Tokyo Stock Exchange IR Festa 2018 (PACIFICO Yokohama)
Held combined Group initiation ceremony and new employee training (108 employees)
Began Customer Thanks Fair 2018
Implemented overseas IR tour (Taipei)
Established Matsuyama Branch (Matsuyama City) and Saijo Branch (Saijo City) in Ehime Prefecture
Exhibited at Work Vehicle Super Roundup (Twin Ring Motegi)
Participated in Radio NIKKEI Japan Tour IR in Hiroshima
Exhibited at Engineering Exhibition TOHOKU ‘18 (Yume Messe Miyagi)
Released Six-month Consolidated Financial Report for the 54th Business Period (Fiscal Year ending October 31, 2018) and held briefings and 1-on-1 meetings for institutional investors
Exhibited at Waku Waku Kids Land 2018 (Axes Sapporo)
Implemented overseas IR tour (New York)
Participated in Radio NIKKEI Japan Tour IR in Sapporo
Established Kyushu General Equipment Center (Chikugo City) and Fukuoka Branch (Fukuoka City) in Fukuoka Prefecture
Participated in Radio NIKKEI Japan Tour IR in Toyama