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Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

Non-Consolidated Balance Sheets

Prior fiscal year
(As of October 31, 2016)
Current fiscal year
(As of October 31, 2017)
Millions of yen Millions of yen Thousands of U.S.
dollars (Note)


Current assets

Cash and deposits ¥ 25,489 ¥ 27,335 $ 241,565
Notes receivable - trade 5,630 6,073 53,668
Electronically recorded monetary claims - operating 3,658 3,605 31,864
Accounts receivable - trade 18,238 18,139 160,298
Securities 200 200 1,767
Merchandise and finished goods 259 244 2,162
Costs on uncompleted construction contracts 61 25 229
Construction machine parts 9,058 10,081 89,094
Raw materials and supplies 267 149 1,318
Prepaid expenses 303 313 2,771
Deferred tax assets 334 361 3,192
Short-term loans receivable 50 398 3,522
Other 403 210 1,858
Allowance for doubtful accounts (69) (54) (477)
Total current assets 63,885 67,085 592,837

Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment

Rental equipment 53,451 51,644 456,384
Buildings 7,603 8,202 72,484
Structures 1,926 2,004 17,713
Machinery and equipment 736 792 7,007
Vehicles 12 9 85
Tools, furniture and fixtures 254 240 2,125
Land 31,925 31,919 282,070
Construction in progress 438 288 2,545
Total property, plant and equipment 96,348 95,101 840,417

Intangible assets

Software 88 91 804
Telephone subscription right 52 52 459
Software in progress 302 655 5,794
Other 0 19 169
Total intangible assets 444 817 7,228

Investments and other assets

Investment securities 5,557 6,543 57,825
Shares of subsidiaries and associates 11,309 11,753 103,865
Investments in capital 12 10 89
Long-term loans receivable from subsidiaries and associates 2,249 3,803 33,607
Claims provable in bankruptcy, claims provable in rehabilitation and other 20 66 591
Long-term prepaid expenses 29 47 420
Insurance funds 38 45 399
Guarantee deposits 908 905 8,001
Other 44 57 505
Allowance for doubtful accounts (1,491) (1,896) (16,762)
Allowance for investment loss (560) (0) (0)
Total investments and other assets 18,118 21,335 188,544
Total non-current assets 114,911 117,255 1,036,189

Total assets

¥ 178,796 ¥ 184,340 $ 1,629,027
Prior fiscal year
(As of October 31, 2016)
Current fiscal year
(As of October 31, 2017)
Millions of yen Millions of yen Thousands of U.S.
dollars (Note)


Current liabilities

Notes payable - trade ¥ 16,190 ¥ 17,028 $ 150,485
Accounts payable - trade 4,750 5,010 44,276
Short-term loans payable 11,079 10,116 89,395
Accounts payable - other 16,932 16,978 150,039
Accrued expenses 388 473 4,185
Income taxes payable 1,442 2,215 19,582
Accrued consumption taxes 137 718 6,345
Provision for bonuses 614 631 5,583
Notes payable - facilities 480 617 5,458
Other 303 311 2,749
Total current liabilities 52,320 54,101 478,100

Non-current liabilities

Long-term loans payable 21,452 20,546 181,565
Long-term accounts payable - other 32,797 29,953 264,701
Deferred tax liabilities 296 416 3,678
Asset retirement obligations 259 274 2,422
Other 4
Total non-current liabilities 54,810 51,190 452,368

Total liabilities

107,130 105,291 930,469

Net assets

Shareholders’ equity

Capital stock 13,652 13,652 120,651
Capital surplus
Legal capital surplus 14,773 14,773 130,555
Other capital surplus 143 143 1,266
Total capital surpluses 14,916 14,916 131,822
Retained earnings
Legal retained earnings 1,375 1,375 12,153
Other retained earnings
 Reserve for advanced depreciation of non-current assets 22 22 202
 General reserve 33,731 39,731 351,110
 Retained earnings brought forward 8,082 9,046 79,940
Total retained earnings 43,212 50,175 443,407
Treasury shares (2,129) (2,129) (18,820)
Total shareholders’ equity 69,653 76,616 677,060

Valuation and translation adjustments

Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities 2,012 2,432 21,497
Total valuation and translation adjustments 2,012 2,432 21,497

Total net assets

71,665 79,048 698,558

Total liabilities and net assets

¥ 178,796 ¥ 184,340 $ 1,629,027

Note: U.S. dollar amounts have been translated from yen for convenience only, at the rate ¥113.16=US$1, the approximate exchange rate on October 31, 2017.

Statements of Income

Prior fiscal year
(From November 1, 2015 to October 31, 2016)
Current Fiscal Year
(From November 1, 2016 to October 31, 2017)
Millions of yen Millions of yen Thousands of U.S.
dollars (Note)

Net sales

¥ 103,777 ¥ 107,277 $ 948,013

Cost of sales

73,575 75,778 669,658

Gross profit

30,201 31,498 278,355

Selling, general and administrative expenses

18,337 19,535 172,635

Operating profit

11,864 11,963 105,719

Non-operating income

Interest and dividend income 148 217 1,926
Rent income 293 285 2,523
Temporary transfer charges income 202 220 1,952
Reversal of allowance for doubtful accounts 205 84 745
Reversal of allowance for investment loss 239 2,120
Other 137 179 1,589
Total non-operating income 986 1,228 10,858

Non-operating expenses

Interest expenses 127 84 745
Provision of allowance for doubtful accounts 23 454 4,015
Provision of allowance for investment loss 278
Foreign exchange losses 139
Other 149 131 1,163
Total non-operating expenses 718 670 5,924

Ordinary profit

12,132 12,521 110,654

Extraordinary income

Gain on sales of non-current assets 10 10 92
Subsidy income 2 5 47
Gain on sales of investment securities 2 220 1,948
Total extraordinary income 15 236 2,088

Extraordinary losses

Loss on sales and retirement of non-current assets 64 95 847
Loss on valuation of investment securities 54
Loss on sales of shares of subsidiaries and associates 79 703
Loss on valuation of shares of subsidiaries and associates 1,014 140 1,240
Total extraordinary losses 1,133 315 2,790

Profit before income taxes

11,014 12,442 109,951

Income taxes - current

4,065 3,979 35,164

Income taxes - deferred

108 (90) (802)

Total income taxes

4,174 3,888 34,362


¥ 6,840 ¥ 8,553 $ 75,589

Note: U.S. dollar amounts have been translated from yen for convenience only, at the rate ¥113.16=US$1, the approximate exchange rate on October 31, 2017.

Statements of Changes in Equity
(From November 1, 2015 to October 31, 2017)

Shareholders’ equity
Capital stock Capital surplus Retained earnings
Legal capital surplus Other capital surplus Total capital surplus Legal retained earnings Other retained earnings Total retained earnings
Reserve for advanced depreciation of non-current assets General reserve Retained earnings brought forward
Millions of yen

Balance at beginning of current period

¥ 13,652 ¥ 14,773 ¥ 143 ¥ 14,916 ¥ 1,375 ¥ 22 ¥ 26,731 ¥ 9,479 ¥ 37,609

Changes of items during period

Provision of general reserve 7,000 (7,000)
Dividends of surplus (1,236) (1,236)
Profit 6,840 6,840
Purchase of treasury shares
Adjustment to reserve due to change in tax rate 0 (0)
Net changes of items other than shareholders’ equity

Total changes of items during period

0 7,000 (1,397) 5,603

Balance at beginning of current period

¥ 13,652 ¥ 14,773 ¥ 143 ¥ 14,916 ¥ 1,375 ¥ 22 ¥ 33,731 ¥ 8,082 ¥ 43,212

Changes of items during period

Provision of general reserve 6,000 (6,000)
Dividends of surplus (1,590) (1,590)
Profit 8,553 8,553
Purchase of treasury shares
Adjustment to reserve due to change in tax rate
Net changes of items other than shareholders’ equity

Total changes of items during period

6,000 963 6,963

Balance at end of current period

¥ 13,652 ¥ 14,773 ¥ 143 ¥ 14,916 ¥ 1,375 ¥ 22 ¥ 39,731 ¥ 9,046 ¥ 50,175
  Shareholders' equity Valuation and translation adjustments Total net assets
Treasury shares Total shareholders' equity Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities Total valuation and translation adjustments
Millions of yen

Balance at beginning of current period

¥ (2,128) ¥ 64,050 ¥ 1,897 ¥ 1,897 ¥ 65,948

Changes of items during period

Provision of general reserve
Dividends of surplus (1,236) (1,236)
Profit 6,840 6,840
Purchase of treasury shares (0) (0) (0)
Adjustment to reserve due to change in tax rate
Net changes of items other than shareholders’ equity 114 114 114

Total changes of items during period

(0) 5,602 114 114 5,716

Balance at beginning of current period

¥ (2,129) ¥ 69,653 ¥ 2,012 ¥ 2,012 ¥ 71,665

Changes of items during period

Provision of general reserve
Dividends of surplus (1,590) (1,590)
Profit 8,553 8,553
Purchase of treasury shares (0) (0) (0)
Adjustment to reserve due to change in tax rate
Net changes of items other than shareholders’ equity 420 420 420

Total changes of items during period

(0) 6,962 420 420 7,383

Balance at end of current period

¥ (2,129) ¥ 76,616 ¥ 2,432 ¥ 2,432 ¥ 79,048
Shareholders' equity
Capital stock Capital surplus Retained earnings
Legal capital surplus Other capital surplus Total capital surplus Legal retained earnings Other retained earnings Total retained earnings
Reserve for advanced depreciation of non-current assets General reserve Retained earnings brought forward
Thousands of U.S. dollars (Note)

Balance at beginning of current period

$ 120,651 $ 130,555 $ 1,266 $ 131,822 $ 12,153 $ 202 $ 298,088 $ 71,426 $ 381,871

Changes of items during period

Provision of general reserve 53,022 (53,022)
Dividends of surplus (14,053) (14,053)
Profit 75,589 75,589
Purchase of treasury shares
Adjustment to reserve due to change in tax rate
Net changes of items other than shareholders’ equity

Total changes of items during period

53,022 8,513 61,536

Balance at end of current period

$ 120,651 $ 130,555 $ 1,266 $ 131,822 $ 12,153 $ 202 $ 351,110 $ 79,940 $ 443,407
  Shareholders' equity Valuation and translation adjustments Total net assets
Treasury shares Total shareholders' equity Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities Total valuation and translation adjustments
Thousands of U.S. dollars (Note)

Balance at beginning of current period

$ (18,815) $ 615,529 $ 17,781 $ 17,781 $ 633,310

Changes of items during period

Provision of general reserve
Dividends of surplus (14,053) (14,053)
Profit 75,589 75,589
Purchase of treasury shares (4) (4) (4)
Adjustment to reserve due to change in tax rate
Net changes of items other than shareholders’ equity 3,715 3,715 3,715

Total changes of items during period

(4) 61,531 3,715 3,715 65,247

Balance at end of current period

$ (18,820) $ 677,060 $ 21,497 $ 21,497 $ 698,558

Note: U.S. dollar amounts have been translated from yen for convenience only, at the rate ¥113.16=US$1, the approximate exchange rate on October 31, 2017.

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