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Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

Non-Consolidated Balance Sheets

Prior fiscal year
(As of October 31, 2014)
Current fiscal year
(As of October 31, 2015)
Millions of yen Millions of yen Thousands of U.S.
dollars (Note)


Current assets

Cash and deposits ¥25,752 ¥29,250 $241,940
Notes receivable - trade 6,401 8,274 68,438
Accounts receivable - trade 18,329 19,522 161,479
Securities 350 350 2,894
Merchandise and finished goods 327 279 2,311
Costs on uncompleted construction contracts 50 39 327
Construction machine parts 6,566 8,214 67,947
Raw materials and supplies 130 139 1,150
Prepaid expenses 258 301 2,497
Deferred tax assets 469 472 3,911
Short-term loans receivable 240 242 2,008
Other 240 98 811
Allowance for doubtful accounts (124) (101) (843)
Total current assets 58,992 67,084 554,878

Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment

Rental equipment 49,391 51,165 423,205
Buildings 5,594 6,504 53,802
Structures 1,134 1,577 13,044
Machinery and equipment 576 666 5,515
Vehicles 8 10 89
Tools, furniture and fixtures 227 246 2,036
Land 30,534 31,423 259,914
Construction in progress 254 1,081 8,947
Total property, plant and equipment 87,719 92,676 766,555

Intangible assets

Software 77 63 527
Goodwill 0
Telephone subscription right 52 52 430
Software in progress 108 899
Total intangible assets 129 224 1,857

Investments and other assets

Investment securities 5,766 5,507 45,558
Shares of subsidiaries and associates 4,864 4,221 34,915
Investments in capital 12 12 100
Long-term loans receivable from subsidiaries and associates 2,401 2,267 18,756
Claims provable in bankruptcy, claims provable in rehabilitation and other 45 44 367
Long-term prepaid expenses 25 26 221
Insurance funds 25 32 267
Guarantee deposits 869 865 7,155
Other 57 60 504
Allowance for doubtful accounts (1,094) (1,691) (13,992)
Allowance for investment loss (1,031) (438) (3,627)
Total investments and other assets 11,941 10,908 90,227
Total non-current assets 99,791 103,809 858,641

Total assets

¥158,784 ¥170,894 $1,413,519


Prior fiscal year
(As of October 31, 2014)
Current fiscal year
(As of October 31, 2015)
Millions of yen Millions of yen Thousands of U.S.
dollars (Note)


Current liabilities

Notes payable - trade ¥14,114 ¥17,522 $144,935
Accounts payable - trade 4,443 4,866 40,250
Current portion of long-term loans payable 10,103 10,814 89,445
Accounts payable - other 13,265 15,643 129,390
Accrued expenses 474 467 3,862
Income taxes payable 3,244 3,347 27,685
Accrued consumption taxes 616 1,026 8,489
Provision for bonuses 544 576 4,768
Notes payable - facilities 748 605 5,010
Other 351 344 2,851
Total current liabilities 47,906 55,213 456,691

Non-current liabilities

Long-term loans payable 17,684 16,551 136,898
Long-term accounts payable - other 31,672 32,637 269,956
Deferred tax liabilities 407 341 2,822
Asset retirement obligations 145 202 1,672
Total non-current liabilities 49,909 49,732 411,348

Total liabilities

97,816 104,946 868,040

Net assets

Shareholders’ equity

Capital stock 13,652 13,652 112,927
Capital surplus
Legal capital surplus 14,773 14,773 122,196
Other capital surplus 143 143 1,185
Total capital surplus 14,916 14,916 123,382
Retained earnings
Legal retained earnings 1,375 1,375 11,375
Other retained earnings
Reserve for advanced depreciation of non-current assets 19 22 184
General reserve 19,731 26,731 221,105
Retained earnings brought forward 9,399 9,479 78,411
Total retained earnings 30,526 37,609 311,077
Treasury shares (56) (2,128) (17,607)
Total shareholders' equity 59,039 64,050 529,780

Valuation and translation adjustments

Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities 1,928 1,897 15,698
Total valuation and translation adjustments 1,928 1,897 15,698

Total net assets

60,968 65,948 545,479

Total liabilities and net assets

¥158,784 ¥170,894 $1,413,519

Note: U.S. dollar amounts have been translated from yen for convenience only, at the rate ¥120.90=US$1, the approximate exchange rate on October 30, 2015.

Statements of Income

Prior fiscal year
(From November 1, 2013 to October 31, 2014)
Current Fiscal Year
(From November 1, 2014 to October 31, 2015)
Millions of yen Millions of yen Thousands of
U.S. dollars (Note)

Net sales

¥94,301 ¥102,029 $843,912

Cost of sales

64,117 70,510 583,210

Gross profit

30,183 31,518 260,702

Selling, general and administrative expenses

16,749 17,410 144,010

Operating income

13,433 14,108 116,691

Non-operating income

Interest income 140 139 1,150
Rent income 288 292 2,420
Temporary transfer charges income 93 170 1,412
Reversal of allowance for doubtful accounts 528 103 854
Other 352 214 1,770
Total non-operating income 1,403 919 7,608

Non-operating expenses

Interest expenses 264 191 1,581
Loss on sales of notes payable 32 15 130
Provision of allowance for doubtful accounts 5 706 5,844
Provision of allowance for investment loss 634
Other 349 166 1,374
Total non-operating expenses 1,286 1,079 8,931

Ordinary income

13,550 13,948 115,368

Extraordinary income

Gain on sales of non-current assets 4 8 67
Subsidy income 0
Gain on sales of investment securities 307 2,543
Gain on sales of shares of subsidiaries and associates 99 818
Compensation income for damage 118 976
Other 0
Total extraordinary income 4 532 4,406

Extraordinary losses

Loss on sales and retirement of non-current assets 187 144 1,197
Loss on valuation of investment securities 87 719
Loss on valuation of shares of subsidiaries and associates 228 1,892
Bad debts written off of subsidiaries and associates 104 867
Total extraordinary losses 187 565 4,677

Income before income taxes

13,368 13,915 115,098

Income taxes - current

4,859 5,482 45,346

Income taxes - deferred

327 88 733

Total income taxes

5,187 5,571 46,080

Net income

¥8,181 ¥8,344 $69,017

Note: U.S. dollar amounts have been translated from yen for convenience only, at the rate ¥120.90=US$1, the approximate exchange rate on October 30, 2015.

Statements of Changes in Equity
(From November 1, 2013 to October 31, 2015)

  Shareholders' equity
Capital stock Capital surplus Retained earnings
Legal capital surplus Other capital surplus Total capital surplus Legal retained earnings Other retained earnings Total retained earnings
Reserve for advanced depreciation of non-current assets General reserve Retained earnings brought forward
Millions of yen

Balance at November 1, 2013

¥13,652 ¥14,773 ¥143 ¥14,916 ¥1,375 ¥19 ¥15,731 ¥6,119 ¥23,246

Changes of items during period

Provision of general reserve 4,000 (4,000)
Dividends of surplus (901) (901)
Net income 8,181 8,181
Purchase of treasury shares
Adjustment to reserve due to change in tax rate
Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity
Total changes of items during period 4,000 3,280 7,280

Balance at November 1, 2014

¥13,652 ¥14,773 ¥143 ¥14,916 ¥1,375 ¥19 ¥19,731 ¥9,399 ¥30,526

Changes of items during period

Provision of general reserve 7,000 (7,000)
Dividends of surplus (1,261) (1,261)
Net income 8,344 8,344
Purchase of treasury shares
Adjustment to reserve due to change in tax rate 2 (2)
Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity

Total changes of items during period

2 7,000 80 7,082

Balance at October 31, 2015

¥13,652 ¥14,773 ¥143 ¥14,916 ¥1,375 ¥22 ¥26,731 ¥9,479 ¥37,609
  Shareholders' equity Valuation and translation adjustments Total net assets
Treasury shares Total shareholders' equity Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities Total valuation and translation adjustments
Millions of yen

Balance at November 1, 2013

¥ (48) ¥51,767 ¥1,539 ¥1,539 ¥53,307

Changes of items during period

Provision of general reserve
Dividends of surplus (901) (901)
Net income 8,181 8,181
Purchase of treasury shares (8) (8) (8)
Adjustment to reserve due to change in tax rate
Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity 389 389 389

Total changes of items during period

(8) 7,272 389 389 7,661

Balance at November 1, 2014

¥ (56) ¥59,039 ¥1,928 ¥1,928 ¥60,968

Changes of items during period

Provision of general reserve
Dividends of surplus (1,261) (1,261)
Net income 8,344 8,344
Purchase of treasury shares (2,072) (2,072) (2,072)
Adjustment to reserve due to change in tax rate
Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity (30) (30) (30)

Total changes of items during period

(2,072) 5,010 (30) (30) 4,980

Balance at October 31, 2015

¥(2,128) ¥64,050 ¥1,897 ¥1,897 ¥65,948
Shareholders' equity
Capital stock Capital surplus Retained earnings
Legal capital surplus Other capital surplus Total capital surplus Legal retained earnings Other retained earnings Total retained earnings
Reserve for advanced depreciation of non-current assets General reserve Retained earnings brought forward
Thousands of U.S. dollars (Note)

Balance at November 1, 2014

$112,927 $122,196 $1,185 $123,382 $11,375 $162 $163,206 $77,749 $252,493

Changes of items during period

 Dividends of surplus 57,899 (57,899)
 Net income (10,433) (10,433)
 Provision of general reserve 69,017 69,017
 Purchase of treasury shares
 Adjustment to reserve due to change in tax rate 22 (22)
 Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity

Total changes of items during period

22 57,899 662 58,584

Balance at October 31, 2015

$112,927 $122,196 $1,185 $123,382 $11,375 $184 $221,105 $78,411 $311,077
  Shareholders' equity Valuation and translation adjustments Total net assets
Treasury shares Total shareholders' equity Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities Total valuation and translation adjustments
Thousands of U.S. dollars (Note)

Balance at November 1, 2014

$ (467) $488,335 $15,950 $ 15,950 $504,286

Changes of items during period

 Dividends of surplus
 Net income (10,433) (10,433)
 Provision of general reserve 69,017 69,017
 Purchase of treasury shares (17,140) (17,140) (17,140)
 Adjustment to reserve due to change in tax rate
 Net changes of items other than shareholders' equity (252) (252) (252)

Total changes of items during period

(17,140) 41,444 (252) (252) 41,192

Balance at October 31, 2015

$(17,607) $529,780 $15,698 $15,698 $545,479

Note: U.S. dollar amounts have been translated from yen for convenience only, at the rate ¥120.90=US$1, the approximate exchange rate on October 30, 2015.

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