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Non-Consolidated Financial Statements

Non-Consolidated Balance Sheets


October 31, 2013 October 31, 2013
Millions of yen Millions of yen Thousands of U.S.
dollars (Note)

Current assets :

Cash and deposits ¥ 15,947 ¥ 27,828 $ 282,493
Notes receivable, trade 2,615 3,238 32,877
Accounts receivable, trade 12,960 15,669 159,065
Securities 350 350 3,552
Merchandise and finished goods 225 343 3,485
Costs on uncompleted construction contracts 53 20 203
Construction machine parts 2,578 3,954 40,146
Raw materials and supplies 104 113 1,155
Prepaid expenses 213 241 2,451
Deferred tax assets 487 721 7,327
Short-term loans receivable 350 316 3,217
Other 198 212 2,153
Allowance for doubtful accounts (201) (191) (1,947)
Total current assets 35,883 52,819 536,184

Noncurrent assets :

Property, plant and equipment
Rental equipment 31,625 41,695 423,257
Buildings 5,596 5,567 56,517
Structures 875 1,019 10,346
Machinery and equipment 520 536 5,450
Vehicles 10 9 91
Tools, furniture and fixtures 196 160 1,634
Land 28,682 28,958 293,960
Construction in progress 21 31 315
Total property, plant and equipment 67,528 77,977 791,572
Intangible assets
Goodwill 55 19 201
Software 93 136 1,383
Telephone subscription right 52 52 527
Total intangible assets 200 208 2,113
Investments and other assets
Investment securities 2,864 4,868 49,422
Stocks of subsidiaries and affiliates 4,569 3,921 39,805
Investments in capital 12 12 123
Long-term loans receivable from subsidiaries and affiliates 2,450 2,468 25,061
Claims provable in bankruptcy, claims provable in rehabilitation and other 135 92 940
Long-term prepaid expenses 24 21 222
Deferred tax assets 513
Insurance funds 19 27 279
Other 889 878 8,914
Allowance for doubtful accounts (1,822) (1,621) (16,459)
Allowance for investment loss (898) (461) (4,687)
Total investments and other assets 8,759 10,207 103,622
Total noncurrent assets 76,488 88,393 897,308
Total Assets ¥ 112,372 ¥ 141,213 $ 1,433,492


October 31, 2012 October 31, 2013
Millions of yen Millions of yen Thousands of U.S.
dollars (Note)

Current liabilities :

Notes payable-trade ¥ 10,421 ¥ 12,892 $ 130,870
Accounts payable-trade 3,115 3,813 38,715
Current portion of long-term loans payable 10,647 10,190 103,442
Accounts payable-other 7,342 10,242 103,976
Accrued expenses 412 453 4,602
Corporate taxes payable 2,107 2,599 26,392
Provision for bonuses 488 529 5,372
Provision for loss on disaster 10
Notes payable-facilities 426 542 5,511
Other 442 395 4,016
Total current liabilities 35,413 41,660 422,901

Noncurrent liabilities :

Long-term loans payable 20,575 21,703 220,322
Long-term accounts payable-other 16,303 24,280 246,480
Deferred tax liabilities 120 1,220
Asset retirement obligations 126 141 1,432
Total noncurrent liabilities 37,005 46,246 469,456
Total Liabilities 72,419 87,906 892,358

Net Assets :

Shareholders’ equity
Capital stock 9,696 13,652 138,594
Capital surplus
Legal capital surplus 10,817 14,773 149,970
Other capital surplus 143 143 1,455
Total capital surpluses 10,960 14,916 151,426
Retained earnings
Legal retained earnings 1,375 1,375 13,960
Other retained earnings 17,611 21,871 222,018
Reserve for advanced depreciation of noncurrent assets 19 19 198
General reserve 13,731 15,731 159,696
Retained earnings brought forward 3,859 6,119 62,123
Total retained earnings 18,986 23,246 235,979
Treasury stock (27) (48) (492)
Total shareholders’ equity 39,616 51,767 525,507
Valuation and translation adjustments
Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities 336 1,539 15,626
Total valuation and translation adjustments 336 1,539 15,626
Total Net Assets 39,952 53,307 541,134
Total Liabilities and Net Assets ¥ 112,372 ¥ 141,213 $ 1,433,492

Note: U.S. dollar amounts have been translated from yen for convenience only, at the rate ¥98.51=US$1, the approximate exchange rate on October 31, 2013.

Non-Consolidated Statements of Income

Prior Consolidated Fiscal Year (From November 1, 2011 to October 31, 2012) Current Consolidated Fiscal Year (From November 1, 2012 to October 31, 2013)
Millions of yen Millions of yen Thousands of
U.S. dollars (Note)

Total net sales

¥ 69,091 ¥ 81,360 $ 825,912
Total cost of sales 48,797 56,508 573,632

Gross profit

20,294 24,852 252,279
Selling, general and administrative expenses 14,618 15,925 161,664

Operating income

5,675 8,926 90,615
Non-operating income
Interest income 110 94 956
Interest on securities 0 0 5
Rent income 163 240 2,445
Other 244 379 3,850
Total non-operating income 657 714 7,257
Non-operating expenses
Interest expenses 430 355 3,612
Loss on sales of notes payable 43 38 387
Provision of allowance for doubtful accounts 225 176 1,791
Provision of allowance for investment loss 686 11 118
Other 120 197 2,005
Total non-operating expenses 1,506 779 7,914

Ordinary income

4,825 8,861 89,958
Extraordinary income
Gain on sales of noncurrent assets 0 0 2
Gain on sales of investment securities 0 1 10
Subsidy income 142 7 73
Other 17 0 1
Total extraordinary income 160 8 87

Extraordinary loss

Loss on sales and retirement of noncurrent assets 108 79 808
Loss on sales of investment securities 115
Loss on valuation of investment securities 0 187 1,906
Loss on valuation of stocks of subsidiaries and affiliates 200 2,033
Total extraordinary losses 224 467 4,748
Income before income taxes 4,762 8,402 85,297
Income taxes-current 2,442 3,743 37,996
Income taxes-deferred (243) (256) (2,607)
Total income taxes 2,198 3,486 35,389

Net income

¥ 2,563 ¥ 4,916 $ 49,908

Note: U.S. dollar amounts have been translated from yen for convenience only, at the rate ¥98.51=US$1, the approximate exchange rate on October 31, 2013.

Non-Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Assets
(November 1, 2011 - October 31, 2013)

Shareholders' equity Accumulated other comprehensive income
Number of shares of common stock Common stock Capital surplus Retained earnings Treasury stock Net unrealized holding gain (loss) on other securities Total net assets
Thousands of shares Millions of yen

Balance at November 1, 2011

32,872 ¥ 9,696 ¥ 10,960 ¥ 17,079 ¥ (25) ¥ 199 ¥ 37,911
Cash dividends (656) (656)
Net income 2,563 2,563
Acquisition of treasury stock (2) (2)
Disposal of treasury stock 0 0 0
Other 136 136

Balance at November 1, 2012

32,872 ¥ 9,696 ¥ 10,960 ¥ 18,986 ¥ (27) ¥ 336 ¥ 39,952
Issuance of new shares 03,220 3,956 3,956 7,912
Cash dividends (656) (656)
Net income 4,916 4,916
Acquisition of treasury stock (20) (20)
Other 1,203 1,203

Balance at October 31, 2013

36,092 ¥ 13,652 ¥ 14,916 ¥ 23,246 ¥ (48) ¥ 1,539 ¥ 53,307
  Shareholders' equity Accumulated other comprehensive income
Common stock Capital surplus Retained earnings Treasury stock Net unrealized
holding gain on other securities
Total net assets
Thousands of U.S. dollars (Note)

Balance at November 1, 2012

$ 98,433 $ 111,265 $ 192,736 $ (279) $ 3,412 $ 405,568
Issuance of new shares 40,160 40,160 80,321
Cash dividends (6,665) (6,665)
Net income 49,908 49,908
Acquisition of treasury stock (212) (212)
Other 12,213 12,213

Balance at October 31, 2013

$ 138,594 $ 151,426 $ 235,980 $ (492) $ 15,626 $ 541,134

Note: U.S. dollar amounts have been translated from yen for convenience only, at the rate ¥98.51=US$1, the approximate exchange rate on October 31, 2013.

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