Kanamoto has established a variety of bodies as its internal control system. The Internal Control and
Office carries out, evaluates, improves and when necessary rectifies the level of compliance with internal
procedures and rules as well as laws and regulations applying to all business activities in addition to
internal control pertaining to branch operation, consolidated subsidiaries, and other financial reporting.
Legal Office handles all legal affairs. Kanamoto has also established a Compliance Committee chaired by
Kanamoto President and CEO and an Internal Control Committee chaired by the General Manager of the
Administration Division.
The basic policy under which the Kanamoto internal control system was formed is as follows:
Kanamoto and its subsidiaries have put in place Ethics Guidelines as a code of conduct for compliance. The
Compliance Committee chaired by Kanamoto President and CEO has established systems to raise Group
and ensure compliance to laws and the Ethics Guidelines. The Committee has also distributed a handbook
summarizing the Kanamoto corporate philosophy and employee code of conduct to all executives and employees
further increase compliance awareness. We have also set up internal and external compliance hotlines as a
consultation and reporting system to resolve any problems quickly when employees or other individuals
consult or report an issue. These compliance hotlines observe strict confidentiality and ensure anyone who
reports a problem will not suffer any unfavorable treatment.
The Legal Office has been established as a body under the direct supervision of the President and CEO to
provide proper legal advice on decisions about important legal matters.
Kanamoto preserves documents and various other information in accordance with laws as well as document
administration and retention rules.
Our informational management system complies with internal informational management regulations and
data management rules in addition to personal information protection standards and the Kanamoto Personal
Protection Manual.
Kanamoto and its subsidiaries have set up systems to identify, evaluate and prevent manifestation of the
risks confronting each division in their business activities. These systems clarify the authority and
responsibility of each department, oversee risk management across all divisions under the Board of
continually identify any new risks that arise.
If any unforeseen risks with a large impact on corporate operations manifest, or have the potential to
Kanamoto responds in accordance with its Emergency Response Manual (Contingency Plan) and takes steps to
the recurrence or potential recurrence of said risks.
Kanamoto and its subsidiaries hold regular and extraordinary Board of Directors meetings to approve
matters and promptly make decisions on the execution and supervision of management strategy and business
plans. The Board of Directors receives reports on the financial performance of subsidiary companies and
other important matters. Fiscal year and medium-term management plans outline specific Group-wide
targets as overall objectives for the management of each division. These divisions then aim to achieve
objectives by setting their own targets, executing specific measures, and managing progress.
Kanamoto has introduced a corporate officer system to accelerate management decision-making as well as
the responsibility of supervision and execution functions. Each of these corporate officers is responsible
achieving the management plans approved by the Board of Directors. Kanamoto has designated a one-year term
directors to rapidly adapt to the dramatically changing management environment.
Kanamoto requires each Group company follows its Ethics Guidelines while expanding the scope of the
Compliance Committee and reporting systems Group wide to ensure proper practices in all business
Kanamoto and its affiliate companies have put in place and operate internal control systems that maintain
environment with excellent oversight in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and can
strengthen and properly evaluate the effectiveness of Group-wide internal control and financial reporting
audits as well as supervision functions of operational processes. Each body (individual) assumes the
responsibilities for internal control matters concerning financial reporting:
Kanamoto assigns auditing staff to assist in auditing functions as necessary upon the request of the Board of Corporate Auditors. Kanamoto transfers the authority to supervise auditing staff assisting in matters designated by the Board of Corporate Auditors. The auditing staff also receives no instructions from directors to ensure the directives issued by the Board of Corporate Auditors are effectively carried out.
The Board of Corporate Auditors shall have final say over personnel matters of auditing staff (appointments, transfers and evaluations).
The Board of Corporate Auditors attends not only the Board of Directors meetings to audit director duties
also principal conferences or committee meetings necessary to understand important decisions and the
of business execution.
The directors and employees of Kanamoto and its subsidiaries promptly report to the Board of Corporate
Auditors any facts discovered which cause or may cause significant harm to the Kanamoto Group. Standing
corporate auditors circulate a report on these matters for managerial approval and may also request a
from said directors or employees as necessary. Kanamoto protects anyone who files a report with the Board
Corporate Auditors from unfavorable treatment on the grounds of said report.
The Board of Corporate Auditors also meet regularly with Kanamoto President and CEO to discuss issues
should address as well as important auditing matters. The Internal Control and Auditing Office submits the
results of audits as an internal control audit report immediately after completion of an audit to the
President and CEO as well as the Board of Corporate Auditors.
The Board of Corporate Auditors and the Internal Control and Auditing Office also exchange information and
coordinate with accounting auditors, lawyers and other outside experts.
Kanamoto processes, pays or reimburses expenses and liabilities arising from Board of Corporate Auditor duties upon request by the Board of Corporate Auditors, except when deemed unnecessary for the execution of said Board of Corporate Auditor duties.
Kanamoto adamantly prohibits any and all business dealings and relationships with antisocial forces, individuals or groups who threaten public order and safety or obstruct sound corporate operations in its Ethics Guidelines. We are not only uncompromising in our stance of exclusion but also strive to gather information from specialized external agencies and conduct internal employee training and other enlightenment programs through the proper departments. In emergency situations, Kanamoto seeks assistance from competent police departments, legal counsel and other relevant authorities to systematically intercept and stop unreasonable demands from antisocial elements.
Kanamoto oversees Group company management in accordance with the Guidance Rules for Affiliated Company Operations. The regulations make regular reports from Group companies on business performance, operating results and financial conditions mandatory while also ensuring proper business practices through audits by the Internal Control and Auditing Office when necessary.